I am amazed why someone would hide their 'true selves'. There are so much liberation and validation that occurs when you share yourself with the world. You are bigger. You are brighter. You shine...
I spent so many years hiding who I was. I lived in the recesses of my mind. I waited for right time. The time when everything in the universe would be right for me to come out.
I remember in the beginning...
As I stand in front of the world in all the glory that I am. There is a nakedness. Feelings are everywhere. I feel vulnerable. I feel strong. I want to run back into safety. The urge to hide again abounds.
The longer I stand... my hesitancy becomes truth. I stand taller. My breathing eases into a rhythm. My fear subsides. I am not worried about what others are saying. I can now move about in my life.
Why did I wait so long?
Who was oppressing me?
Why was I so contained?
Now I can truly do the work of living honestly, truthfully, and lovingly.
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