Proud back with a chest high in the air
Swaying with desire
Never knowing when to bend
Afraid to break
Ushering into the wind
Bowing to the ravages of life
A life of hurling lessons
Mistakes that grow into another
Proud back with a chest high in the air
Swaying with desire
How do I stop this?
How do I bend?
When do I allow?
Questions urging a grown person asunder
Begging God, doubting that there is one
Abandoned again for worthier causes
Pleading for respite, but none found
Proud back with a chest high in the air
Swaying with desire
Familiar with a man’s desire for $5
Allota $5’s feeds young, hungry bodies
Those dirty $5’s keeps clothes on young backs
Stinky $5’s keeps a roof over children’s heads
Desperate that my children’s dreams realized
Dreams that look past this circumstance
Proud back with a chest high in the air
Swaying with desire
Stopping for briefest of moments
Catching glimpses of a stranger past dirty shop windows
Recognizing, this is not the dream that I once dreamed
Proud back with a chest high in the air
Swaying with desire
Staring into the broad sky where stars twinkle
Grateful at least it is from a back seat
Unexpected kindness
Throwing Wishes into the heavens
Under another man’s heaving, uncaring, selfish body
Unanswered prayers wash carnal desires away
Proud back with a chest high in the air
Swaying with desire
Hanging on - Hope is all that there is left
February 1, 2013